Certificados de Calidad de Egiptomania.com, portal de Egiptología Premio Solera Española  
  El equipo de webmasters de Taburiente tiene el placer de premiar la web "Solanilla de la Sobarriba", con el premio Taburiente de Oro. Certificado de calidad concedido por fomentar la cultura en internet, por el diseño y por el contenido de las páginas. Una vez revisado su sitio, es un gran placer para mi, concederle este galardón. Felicidades, página excelente. Muy bien diseñada y, sobre todo, muy útil e informativa.  




  Premio "Best Of The Web", concedido por Fortunecity , por el diseño soberbio, gusto primoroso, calidad y belleza de la página.

Premio "Top Site Award"  por el

contenido y el diseño de la página.

Premio a la habilidad artística, concedido por la prestigiosa web: "Domain-Me!".  
  I really did like your site. You've really got something there! I almost wished I gave out a more serious award because you deserve to win a serious award. Concedemos el premio "Dark Site" a la página "Solanilla de la Sobarriba, por su brillante contenido. Premio "Cool Site", a la pagina "Solanilla de la Sobarriba", por su frescura y fácil navegación.  
  Premio "Princess" por una web extraordinaria. Es un honor concederle el Premio "Funky Turtle", por su frescura y excelencia.  Premio "5 out of 5" por reunir en su página todas las características de una estupenda web. Es un placer concederle el premio "Yellow Tiger", por una web grande en su contenido, pulcra y fácil de navegar.  
  I'm Cindy and I give out the Boom Bear Award for Excellance!. And you submitted your site to my award from Award-Me.com so I went to look at your site.It was super! And since I like your site so much I want to give you my award! Well, you've won my award for the web page.That is, I showed your site to my dog Nakor, and he didn't growl, which is unusual - so you win. You see, that's how I pick winners. The name of the award is: The Angry Puppy Award Felicidades por conseguir mi premio. Se le ha concedido por su originalidad y buen hacer, siga así y no caiga y no haga de su sitio un lugar aburrido. Yeah, long name but I like it. And you'll like it too...if you win! I give my award out to sites that look good, load fast, serve a real purpose, don't yank me around with screwy site navigation, and that don't contain anything illegal etc. You site http://www.solanilla-sobarriba.com met all the criteria for my award! So you Win! You're site is now a Hot Site Award winner.  
  Congratulations! Your site http://www.solanilla-sobarriba.com. Has been selected as a 5 Star Award Winner!Only the best receive 5 Stars, and you are the best. Somehow, for some reason, your site has caught the attention of the Stupid Caveman! And when something catches his attention he won't rest until he's given that thing an award. Yeah, I think it's weird too, but he's a stupid caveman, whatdya gonna do? So...to appease the great fool, I am giving you my award. The award is called the Stupid Cave Man Award.... ..He may be stupid but he knows what a good web site looks like! Thanks Lucio, for applying for our award through Award-Me.com for the site http://www.solanilla-sobarriba.com Each day we scour the Internet looking for the best sites of that day. It takes something special for us to bestow the Best Site Of The Day Award. Today, we selected your site as our winner.Congratulations!  
  I really liked your web site http://www.solanilla-sobarriba.com. It was great! Though it wasn't raining when I looked at your site, I still think you deserve my award! So you win! Yay! Premio concedido por ser un sitio con una chispa especial. Su sitio: http://www.solanilla-sobarriba.com, es realmente un lugar caliente y por eso se le otorga este codiciado premio. YOU applied for my award through Award-Me. Yeah it's been a while, but I was busy *shrugs* As my web site says, not everyone can win this award. Your site has to be Crude Dude enough to make me say......"Cruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!" And that takes quite a bit let me tell you my friend! But hey, you win! Yep, you've got the stuff, and now you've got the award! Hey hey, did you know that you have a Rockin Site? http://www.solanilla-sobarriba.com And to prove it, I'm giving you my coveted sought after Rockin' Site Award! I was impressed with your sites: Layout, Design, Use of Colors, Use of Graphics. All in all, You have a really groovin site and I'm honored to give you my award.